Saturday, July 18, 2009


ever felt like u just wana curl up in ur bed n refuse to get outta dat damn bed?

ever felt like sitting n gobbling a dozen of choc bars to make u feel better?

ever felt like eating a whole freaking choc cake till u puke?

ever felt like running till u r outta ur breath n den just fall dead there n then?

ever felt like jamming to the music till ur ear hears no more?

ever felt like crying for hours till no tears flow outta ur eye duct?

im feeling dat rite now.

smtms life is just so shitty dat i reli feel so tired of all the dramas.

why cant life be simpler?

why cant human's mind be simpler?


Nobita Swan*.^ said...

hey.. free to find me chat chat if u want^^ always be here..

yvonneling said... just going through some crazy moments...i'll b fine...=)